IRES Journal Week 1
My first week in Daejeon has been quite amazing. I have met so many people, Korean and International, and everyone is very friendly and...
IRES Fellowship
On June 9 I will leave for South Korea for the IRES Fellowship with KAIST and HUBO Lab. I will be working in Daejeon, South Korea at...
My First Academic Paper
For the past few months, I have been working with 3 PhD students, 2 from my lab at UNLV & 1 from the University of Tokyo, on a paper for...
DASL Korea Trip 2016
On October 5th, 3 lab colleagues and I headed to South Korea with Dr. Oh for a week of conferences and exploring. This trip was designed...
Potential Fields Navigation Using ARToolkit
Potential Fields is a concept that comes from the fundamentals of electricity and magnetism. A charge with high potential (positive) will...
ARToolkit Coordinate Tracking
ARToolkit is an SDK that gives developers the ability to program Augmented Reality applications. ARToolkit uses the core of OpenCV for...
BFS & DFS Navigation with Robotino
Breadth-first Search and Depth-first Search both have useful applications for navigation in environments where obstacles are already...
Robotino Setup and Operation
Robotino is a mobile-manipulating robot made by Festo. Robotino has many capabilities for sensing and movement, making it a great...
Breadth-first and Depth-first Search are two navigation methods that involve searching through graph trees, and finding a path through...